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How to Make a Telegram Contact Bot Without Coding?

In this tutorial, I will tell you how you can make your telegram bot to receive contact forms or messages. It will generalize all the messages in one place. And with this, you w can reply to any particular user.

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What is Telegram Contact Bot?

A telegram contact bot is used to receive forms and messages from a large audience in a single place. You can privately reply to any message or You can broadcast your message to all users of the bot in a single click.

telegram contact bot

Here is the step-by-step guide to make a telegram contact bot. Just follow all the steps same as given-

Total Time:

1. Go to @botfather

In your telegram search type @botfather and open it. Make sure it has blue tick(officially verified). Now click on the ‘Start’ button.

2. Send /newbot to BotFather

Send /newbot command to botfather. Now it will ask to give a name to your bot. Just put a name that you want to give to your bot. (e.g howtobing contact bot)

3. Choose a Username

Now choose a username for your bot. (e.g @howtobing_contact_bot). It must have ‘bot’ keyword at the end.

4. Copy the Token

After you have given a username to your bot, it will give you a token for your bot. Just copy that token. (You can click on the token to copy it.)

5. Go to @LivegramBot

Now open @livegrambot in telegram. And click on ‘Start’ and send /addbot command. And paste the token that you copied on botfather.

6. Here we Go

Now, your bot is ready. Whenever someone message anything on the bot you will get that message with forward tag. You can reply to a particular message simply by tagging and reply to that message.