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How to Become an Information Security Analyst

If you’re looking for a way to make money in the IT industry, an information security analyst might be right for you.

The job market is competitive, but if you have relevant experience and the right education, there’s plenty of opportunity out there.

In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to become an information security analyst and how much they earn based on their level of experience.

What Is an Information Security Analyst?

An information security analyst is a job title that refers to the people who help protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization’s information assets.

An information security analyst is responsible for managing the security of their organization’s information systems. They typically have several years of experience working in IT and may hold more advanced positions such as incident response team manager or software developer.

What Information Security Analysts Do?

Information security analysts are responsible for protecting an organization’s technology infrastructure, including computers, networks, and software programs. They are also responsible for developing and implementing policies that ensure the security of the company’s data and information.

Education and Training for an Information-Security Analyst

If you’re looking to become an information security analyst, it’s important to know that there are a few different ways to get into the field.

The first option is to earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information systems, or another related field. This will give you the knowledge base needed for working as an information security analyst and will also help with your career prospects if you decide later on down the line that this is what you want to do full-time.

If earning a bachelor’s degree isn’t an option right now but still want some help learning more about cybersecurity then consider taking online courses related specifically to IT careers like those offered through Coursera or Udemy. Both the platform offer free trial periods before committing any money so they’re worth checking out!

Another great resource would be LinkedIn Learning which offers thousands of free video courses covering everything from coding basics through advanced analytics techniques such as machine learning algorithms used by companies like Google every day.”

A Bachelor’s Degree in Information Security

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as an information security analyst, then you’ll need to have a bachelor’s degree in information security.

A Master’s degree is also highly recommended if you want to work for an organization that requires it. While these credentials are necessary, there are other options available if they aren’t available at your school or college of choice.

The University of Phoenix offers online courses that allow students with no previous experience in computer science and tech fields (such as programming) access to this type of education without having any prior knowledge about computers themselves!

Steps to Becoming an Information Security Analyst

1. Earn a bachelor’s degree in information security.

Information security is a relatively new field, so you’ll want to be sure that you’re studying the proper information when it comes to your education. For example, if you plan on pursuing an associate’s degree or certificate program, make sure that the school has a strong curriculum in this area and offers courses on topics such as network security and penetration testing.

2. Gain experience in the field by working for an organization.

These days many companies are hiring students who have just graduated from college so they can get them up to speed quickly and pass them off to more experienced employees once they’ve learned enough about their job responsibilities.

3. Seek out professional certification if possible.

If there is no one else available who could do what needs to be done then consider getting certified yourself!

There are several different levels of certification available depending on what type of career path (or paths) one chooses after graduation; however all involve passing exams given by accredited bodies such as CompTIA which offer certifications ranging from Network+ down through Security+ into ISC2+.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) offers two types of information security analyst certifications, each with its own set of requirements. ANSI is the organization that creates and maintains international standards, such as ISACA’s Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) designation program and ISO/IEC 27000 series.

Average Salary of an Information Security Analyst

While the salary of an information security analyst varies depending on their experience and education level, the average annual salary for an information security analyst is $68,000. This means that a new graduate with only a bachelor’s degree can expect to make about $5,000 less per year than someone who has been working in this field for a long.


Information security analysts are responsible for maintaining the security of systems and networks. Their role is to protect companies from cyber attacks and other online threats. The average salary for an information security analyst is $99,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This figure includes salaries at the federal level, as well as state and local government agencies. It also includes salaries earned by information security specialists who work within private organizations nationwide.