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How to Unban Telegram Channel from Copyright ?

In this tutorial we will understand how can you get access to your telegram channel that was banned due to copyright infringement.
After getting a copyright strike it will show like this:- “This Channel is Unavailable due to Copyright Infringement
Yes, you can fix this. Now always it is fixed but you can try this method.

This Channel is Unavailable due to Copyright Infringement

You can follow these steps to get your channel back from copyright infringement.

Reading Time 4 minutes

1. You will get a strike notice

copyright strike from telegram

If your channel get ban from copyright infringement, you will get a strike notice from telegram(@dmcatelegram). It will look like this:-

Hello, this is Telegram Support. made a complaint is infringing on their copyright.
We kindly ask you to contact the copyright holder via email to resolve the matter.

2. Take a screenshot of your channel content

communication skills telegram channel

When your channel get copyright strike it will be banned for all subscribers. But you can see it content. However if you try to post anything it will not be posted.

3. Email to bytescare to take strike back

email to take remove copyright

You will get a email (most probability Now open your gmail app and put this email in cc. And write subject as ‘Copyright Takedown Request’
Now start with this body:-

Hii Sir/Madam, I am [Your Name], admin of telegram channel [Your channel link]. I recently got a copyright strike and my channel has been banned. I was new to telegram and don’t know much more about its policies. I apologize for my mistake and promise not to repeat it and not post any copyrighted material publicly. I request you to release my channel as there was a lot of hard work involved in growing that. Thanks

In this manner request them to release your channel.

4. Delete all content of your channel

delete content of telegram channel

Now, after sending email. Delete all the content of your channel. You can use various bot available to delete all instantly.
Also if your channel is public don’t make it private. Also don’t revoke any link.

5. Wait for some days until they respond


There is possibilities that they reply to your email. But if you don’t write your email as appealing, you may not get any reply.
If you don’t get any reply sorry to say but your channel can’t be recovered now.

But…….There is something PRO thing that you can do to save your channel from copyright. It is given below.

How to Save My Telegram Channel from Copyright Infringement?

Here is an pro thing that you can protect your channel from being copyright infringement.

  • Open telegram and search for ‘Copyright Protection Bot⚡️‘ or @copyright_infrigment_saver_bot
  • This is a protection bot which can save your channel.
  • Add this bot in your channel and give all permission.
    While your channel get any strike this bot will automatically make delete copyright content post.
  • It will also do other things to save your channel.
    Make sure to give all permission to this bot in your channel so that all things work properly.
  • You can also access to its news channel for all details about its feature by clicking here.

Hope you like this guide! If you have any question you can ask in comments.

More About Telegram Channel Copyright Infringement:

When it comes to copyright infringement issues, Telegram is the most common platform for sharing copyrighted content. The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) applies to U.S.-based websites, but if you live outside of the United States you can pursue other options. How do you remove copyright infringement on telegram?

Every content creators suffer from it.

Copyright infringement is a common problem for every content creators. It is not only a problem but also an opportunity to make money. You might want to know how to remove copyright infringement on Telegram channel, right?

There are many ways to solve this problem:

  • You can hire an attorney who specializes in copyright law and they will help you get rid of the issue.
  • You can ask your friend or family member who works as an attorney and he/she would help you out with that matter too!

Telegram is the most common platform for sharing copyrighted content.

Telegram is the most common platform for sharing copyrighted content. The app is a secure messaging app that allows users to share files up to 1.5GB in size and has more than 100 million active users worldwide.

The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store as well as through your browser at!/.

The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)

The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) applies to U.S.-based websites, but if you live outside of the United States you can pursue other options.

The DMCA protects your right to remove copyrighted content from a website if it infringes on your work. This means that if someone posts a link to your video or image on their channel, they are liable for copyright infringement and may be removed from the channel by sending an official takedown notice under 18 USC § 512(c). However, there are rules about how long this takes and how much money you need to pay before they’ll take action against them; in most cases this will only happen after multiple requests have been made about the same content being shared across multiple channels/websites.

How to remove copyright infringement?

If you live in the United States, DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) applies to U.S.-based websites and services but if you live outside of the United States, there are other options available for dealing with copyright infringement on Telegram channels. Contact the channel members directly and request that they remove the infringing material.

If this does not work, then your next step should be contacting an attorney who specializes in IP law and file a complaint with their office or authority responsible for monitoring online content (e.g., YouTube).

Report copyright issues through the in-app menu.

Channel Owners can report copyright issues through the in-app menu.

You can also contact the channel members directly and request that they remove the infringing material.

Contacting channel admin for content removal is best solution.

  • You can contact the channel members directly and request that they remove the infringing material.
  • Send a direct message to the user who posted the content, informing them that you own copyright in it. You should include your contact information in case they need to get in touch with you later on.
  • Ask them to remove all references of your work from their profile page, channel page, and other social media accounts associated with them (such as Facebook). If this doesn’t work, follow up with another message asking why they haven’t removed anything yet—it’s important for both parties’ reputations!

What to do if I get a copyright strike on telegram?

If you’ve received a takedown notice, contact the channel owner right away and ask them to remove your content.

If they don’t remove it, you can contact the channel owner again and ask them to remove your content.

If they still don’t remove it, then you can contact Telegram’s copyright infringement team by emailing.


We strongly believe that the Telegram platform is one of the best platforms for sharing content with your friends. However, it’s also important to know how to remove copyright infringement from telegram channel. We hope above tips will help you in removing copyrighted material from your channel or group.